Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Stress & Self-Doubt

If you have ever wanted to feel
"F*ck Yeah - I've got this!"

and walk around with quiet confidence in yourself

Why hypnotherapy?

You Are In Control

Gone are the days of watching a clock tick-tok back and forth, causing people to fall into a deep sleep. Modern day hypnosis uses a state of deep relaxation and cognitive awareness of your unconscious mind to support the life you want to have.

With you in full control of your mind and body, we use images, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and suggestions to transform the stress or anxiety you are experiencing.

Fast Results

Unlike other forms of therapy, you may only need 3 - 5 sessions to set your new habit, belief or attitude to life.

After each session: There will be a new layer of inner peace, confidence and trust in yourself that you've got all the resources you need to move through life with more joy, resilience, and focus

If you are overwhelmed, uncertain or in constant knots doubting yourself - hypnotherapy can help you find a way through this stress or anxiety -- leaving you with inner peace, mental clarity and emotional stability

"By addressing the inner critic, you begin the process of letting go the stress, self-doubt and anxiety.

Creating freedom, inner-peace and self-assurance.

This will allow you to confidently expand, grow and make decisions that you never thought you could!"

~ Katey Shaw

Hypnotherapist &

Digital Business Developer

How hypnosis works...

Through hypnosis you learn a lot about how much information is being stored inside one's head.

Along with physical work requirements, to-dos and family/friend/colleague obligations. There is a bunch of other ongoing mental chatter based on current, past and future-planned life experiences.

Some of that inner dialogue is helpful...others not so much!

Through hypnotherapy, we review your current internal thought processes and stress management systems. Then look at ways to optimise or suggest changes to create the life you want to live.

By investigating what might be clouding your ability to make changes, we are able to talk to your subconscious mind and begin the process of creating space for new behavioural patterns.

Transform Stress & Anxiety

Everybody has their own life experience that shapes their view of the world.

Whether it was an unavailable parent, a toxic relationship, stressful work environment or other traumatic event.

It's imprinted in our subconscious mind, so when someone comes towards us, our first response is to tense our body and mentally search for ways out or to handle this situation with as much self-care and confidence that we can muster.

Anxiety is the signal our body gives us that something might go wrong

Through hypnotherapy, we like to create a safe space where you can work through those sensations and make sense of what is going on for you without having to fully re-live the moment.

From there, with you in full control of your body and mind, we add images, thoughts or new behaviours that you want to have. We turn up the volume on things you like and enjoy, and tone down or mute the voices that don't matter.

We achieve this through utilising NLP, talking to your unconscious mind and behavioural pattern recognition whilst you are in a deep state of relaxation.

Let's begin >>

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